Jeremie Heitz

Name: Jeremie Heitz
Birthdate: 28.09.1989
Nationality: Swiss
Home Mountain: Les Marécottes, Switzerland
Genre of skiing: Freeride and Big Mountain
Conversa com os atletas
How and when did you start skiing, how has it evolved ever since and what got you into freeskiing?I started skiing when I was 3 years old, that's normal when you're living in the mountains. Very quickly I started alpine skiing and after 8 years of alpine competition, 2 in FIS, then I specialized in freeriding with the Falquet brothers.
Who were/ are your idols on and off the hill?
My idols were the Falquet brothers, now they are my friends which I ski and share good times with during all the year.
What does skiing mean to you personally?
What is more beautiful than living one's passion... Skiing every single winter’s day and sometimes even summer without stopping!!
What were your 3 biggest accomplishments on hill and why?
The first is to have been able to gain the confidence of FLKproduction during a first shooting with the Falquet brothers and Jean-Yves Michellod for "Une nuit d'hiver." The second is the opening of the Xtreme in Verbier when I was 17 years old. The third is to be at 21 years old the youngest rider to take part in the FWT.
What aspect of skiing thrills you the most?
Hard to answer, at present I enjoy every moment and every turn on the skis and without forgetting the apres-ski with friends and the atmosphere during the shootings, etc...
In what conditions and what terrain do enjoy riding the most?
I learnt skiing in "Les Marécottes," do you know this ski resort? To summarize we call it "The little Alaska," steep slopes and techniques often engaged.
Any activities that aren’t ski related?
In summer a lot of hang-gliding and in fall training before the winter: bike and fitness
How do you manage to combine family/ friends and job?
It is very easy, in winter I still ski with my friends and I can live from skiing. In summer for the moment I work as a landscaper to refill the accounts for the winter and to not take it for granted. In addition I can enjoy the summer by hang-gliding. For the family, everybody lives in the village, it's like a tribe.
Please answer, if possible, with one word only.
Band: Alain Morisod and the Sweet People
Drink: RedBull
Food: Rice with milk
Country: US, NZ
Resort/Place to ski: Les Marécottes, Switzerland
Car: Nissan GTR
What do you like about SCOTT?
The quality and the diversity of the products (skis, bikes, etc..)
What are your favorite SCOTT products?
The "PURE" ski in 193cm
What SCOTT products are you using this year?
Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
The first goal is to ski, if possible, the whole year over, then there are the shooting projects, until now I have always been invited on projects but I'd like to hatch my own soon. For the competitions, I've been doing some during all my childhood in alpine-skiing but I've never won so I have this "competition mind" and I feel the need to compete for the moment but I know it's not my final goal.
What sponsors do you ride for besides SCOTT?
O'Neill, Xtrème Sport, Red Bull, Snowpulse, Salvan/Les Marécottes, Jérome SA, Fitness Gym "Vitmine,” Surefoot
People you feel you need to thank
My partners, my family, my friends