Jonas Deichmann

Country: Germany
City: Stuttgart
Athlete talk
What is your all-time favourite riding destination?
The Peruvian Andes, high up on 5.000 meter passes.
What does "No Shortcuts" mean to you?
Nothing worth fighting for comes easy. Great adventures and records are based on a lot of training, preparation and resilence.
What do you get up to when you’re not out riding?
I like running and other sports too. And I hold speeches etc. about my adventures.
Outside of cycling, where do you draw inspiration from?
Big adventures that have never been done before. Cycling is always my favourite but any challenge that goes into the unknown inspires me.
You’re stranded on a desert island. What three things would you want with you?
Actually one of my future projects :) A knife, a fishing hook and a fire stone.
If you could put up a billboard to be seen by countless people every day, what would you put on it?
Pictures of the incredible people I met all over the world. In particular, now in the current times, it's important to remember that most people anywhere want peace. Cycling around the world gives a lot of hope in that sense.