Join the Verbier Xtreme SCOTT goggle hunt
SCOTT athletes, Lorraine Huber, Arianna Tricomi, Loic Collomb-Patton, Sam Lee and Jackie Paaso are used to travelling around the globe looking for fresh pow and challenging terrain. Some of their equipment seems to have been left behind though…
Lucky for you each of them lost a brand new limited edition SCOTT FWT goggle in Verbier!

Join the hunt and claim one of these unique goggles for your epic days out on the snow.
How it works:
• Swing by the SCOTT truck in the Verbier Xtreme 2017 village as of Saturday from 10am onwards
• Fill in the hunt sign up form
• Get the coordinates, a map or access to the google map: Hunt your SCOTT FWT goggle 2017
• Go find all 5 secret spots which are related to SCOTT athletes
• You’ll know you’ve found the right spot as each of them has a card with a question to answer
• After answering the question, you will receive a piece of the final hashtag
• Once you have found all 5 pieces of the hashtag, come back to the truck and take a creative picture of yourself and the truck
• Post it on your profile with #(thesecrethashtag) @scottfreeski
• Swing by the SCOTT jury and they will let you know if you are one of the winners
May the best of luck be with you all.