One important part of Nino Schurter’s workout is the annual training load per se. Since the last Olympics in 2012 Nino has completed around 950 hours of training per year. However this amount is slightly under the reference value for elite athletes (1000 h/y), which emphasizes the efficacy of his training program.
His training program is composed of 85% endurance and 15 % of strength training, which is conducted in a mixed training fashion. In an average week he does 12 training sessions and has one rest day. The overall intensity distribution is according to the polarized training model. That means 25% of the training sessions include high intensity workouts like interval sessions witch are rated as “hard.” A particular aspect in his endurance training program is the high portion of running workouts, which accounts on average for two sessions per week. With regard to target races he follows a peaking and tapering scheme.