Who wants to ride fast? Yep, we all do! And so does Lois. Over time, he’s learned to slash turns and send jumps just like the pros. In fact, some say he’s even better than them now! You too can ride like Lois, and here are some tips to get started.
Keep in mind that simple skills build a strong foundation. Don’t rush it on the biggest jump before mastering a few basics. Start easy by working on your position on the bike, learn how to bunny-hop and then begin to hit smaller jumps. This is how you’ll build your confidence and riding skills step by step while staying safe on the trails.
The right position
First, let’s check that position on the bike. When riding downhill, you are out of the saddle and standing on your pedals. Always stay centered above the pedals, with equal weight over the wheels. Everyone has a preferred front foot. You will see that this comes naturally. Keep your arms and legs strong, with elbows and knees slightly bent. Now, don’t look at your front wheel. Keep your chin up and look ahead. There you go!
Riding turns
Keeping your focus forward is essential to become a faster rider. This is particularly important when riding turns. With your head up, look around the corner, towards the exit. Keep a strong upright position with your pedals leveled, and your knees and elbows bent. Lean your bike into the turn and always focus on the end of the turn. Control your speed before entering the turn, and avoid pulling your brakes in the middle of it. A smooth turn is a fast turn.
Alright, let’s look at the famous “bunny-hop”. You don’t need to be on a trail to do this, you can practice in your backyard, or pretty much anywhere flat. First, learn how to lift your front wheel. Check your position, roll slowly and pull on the handlebars while pushing on your pedals. Try this a few times, then add the second part. Once your front wheel is up, move your hips forward and point your toes down. Push your bike forward, releasing the pressure on your back wheel. Your bike will automatically take off from the ground. Practice doing this over a small obstacle (like a small log or a branch), then try to bunny-hop over bigger obstacles.
Hitting jumps
When starting to hit jumps, it’s important to start small and only move to bigger jumps once you can ride the small jumps safely and with confidence. Find a small ramp or a table, which is a jump built with no gap between takeoff and landing, so that you can still land safely even if you don’t clear the table completely. Find the right speed, and try to land with both tires at the same time. Remember to look ahead, not down! If you feel confident on those smaller jumps, it’s time to go bigger… and bigger… and bigger!
Start where you are and practice those skills. Soon you’ll be slashing berms and styling whips just like Lois. Enjoy the flight, and never forget your protection!